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Alternate History: G,H,I
By Gary Oswald This series will cover 26 topics related to Alternate History, as a beginners guide to the genre, through the format of...
Sep 6, 20228 min read

Vignette: Delenda Est
By Gary Oswald On the Sea Lion Press Forums, we run a monthly Vignette Challenge. Contributors are invited to write short stories on a...
Sep 2, 20226 min read

Africa During the Scramble: The World's Oldest Alliance
By Gary Oswald In 1386, John I of Portugal and Richard II of England agreed the Treaty of Westminster. That treaty established a pact of...
Aug 31, 202213 min read

Alternate History: D,E,F
By Gary Oswald This series will cover 26 topics related to Alternate History, as a beginners guide to the genre, through the format of...
Aug 26, 20226 min read

Africa During the Scramble: Company Rule
By Gary Oswald The Shona people, the largest ethnicity in modern day Zimbabwe, have a much longer history of strong centralised Empires...
Aug 24, 202216 min read

Alternate History: A,B,C
By Gary Oswald This series will cover 26 topics related to Alternate History, as a beginners guide to the genre, through the format of...
Aug 22, 20227 min read

Africa During the Scramble: The Kings of the Golden Stool
By Gary Oswald The Machine Gun more than anything else is the iconic weapon of the Scramble for Africa, the thing that made European...
Aug 17, 202217 min read

Africa During the Scramble: The Desert Order
By Gary Oswald The fate of the Senussi family is heavily entwined with the modern history of Libya, they were the royal family of the...
Aug 8, 202217 min read

Africa During the Scramble: The Miracle at Annual
By Gary Oswald African forces defeated European forces all the time during the Scramble. It was not remotely uncommon for Imperial...
Jul 27, 202217 min read

Panel Discussion: What is Plausibility?
By Alexander Wallace, Gary Oswald, Matthew Kresal, Colin Salt and Mark Ciccone Salt: Plausibility. That word has spawned a million...
Jul 22, 202225 min read

Africa During the Scramble: Spanish Slaves
By Gary Oswald Of the European countries to still have territory in Africa by 1914, Spain controlled the least land. Her African Empire...
Jul 21, 202213 min read

Which SLP WWII Book should you read?
By Gary Oswald The answer is, of course, all of them. But if you are the mood for something in particular then follow this handy guide by...
Jul 14, 20225 min read

How rich was Mansa Musa? (The Answer might surprise you!)
By Gary Oswald The precolonial history of sub-Saharan Africa is not particularly well taught or widely known in the West, for a bunch of...
Jul 11, 202211 min read

A complete guide to the Books of Sea Lion Press
By Gary Oswald Sea Lion Press has published a lot of books (132 currently available) and it can be intimidating for a new reader who has...
Jul 1, 202215 min read

Africa During the Scramble: White on White Crime
By Gary Oswald The Great Trek of white settlers away from the British Cape Colony to their own Republics in the interior has been...
Jun 29, 202213 min read

Africa During the Scramble: Guns of the Sotho
By Gary Oswald Henry Bartle Frere was recalled to London in August 1880 by the new Gladstone ministry to answer for having launched an...
Jun 9, 202210 min read

Africa During the Scramble: The Spider in the Web
By Gary Oswald British Policy towards Southern Africa was always somewhat hot and cold, depending on who was in Power in London, in terms...
May 25, 202211 min read

Africa During the Scramble: The Worst Mistake in Human History
By Gary Oswald In 1856, the Xhosa people of the Western and Eastern Cape provinces of modern South Africa committed possibly the single...
May 16, 202210 min read

Africa During the Scramble: The Kat River Experiment
By Gary Oswald One of the most shocking things about the Scramble of Africa was its speed. In less than 40 years, Africa went from mostly...
May 11, 202214 min read

Africa During the Scramble: Four Months in Berlin
By Gary Oswald The Berlin Conference of 1884-85 is probably the best known and most taught moment of the Scramble of Africa. It was a...
Apr 27, 202215 min read
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