Announcement of Charity event.

Flooding in Kherson after the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam.
Picture courtesy Wikimedia Commons.
Kherson and the Russian destruction of the Nova Kakhovka Dam (a war crime specifically prohibited in the Geneva Convention); it’s caused extensive damage that will take years to recover from. It’s yet another calamity for Ukraine in the midst of many calamities.

Korabelna Square in Kherson after the flooding. Russians are shelling the evacuation of people trapped in the city. In addition, mines laid by the Russians have been moved by the floodwaters, causing hazards to those trying to evacuate the city and those coming to render aid. Article 56 of the Geneva Convention states: "Works or installations containing dangerous forces, namely dams, dykes and nuclear electrical generating stations, shall not be made the object of attack, even where these objects are military objectives, if such attack may cause the release of dangerous forces and consequent severe losses among the civilian population."
Picture courtesy BBC.
Back when Russia first invaded Ukraine, this forum did a write-a-thon on Discord to raise funds to help reconstruction in Ukraine.
It has been proposed to do another such event, to be held on 25th June on the Discord Channel: Alternate Historians for Ukraine.
The procedure last time was that people would make a contribution to the DEC (Disaster Emergencies Committee) Ukraine Appeal or some similar method of making a donation to humanitarian aid to Ukraine such as the local Ukrainian appeal fund Way Home, and sign up for the event being hosting on the Discord channel.
At the time of writing, a programme for the event is still being arranged. Last time we had writing prompts, discussions, a very nice writing exercise. Obviously, we will try and improve on what was available.
It will be a 24-hour event (starting 9am UK time on the 25th, finishing 24 hours later, which my fingers and toes tell me will be 9am UK time on the 26th). This is to enable people from anywhere on the globe to find a convenient time to drop in.
It’s very much a drop-in and drop-out arrangement.
More details will appear as things get finalised. What you have to do is let us know if you are interested in participating (so we have an idea of numbers - if you find that on Sunday 25th June you are unexpectedly free, that's fine). The process is simple: make a contribution (of whatever size you are comfortable with) to DEC to help reconstruction in Ukraine, then join in the events on 25 June.
Discuss the event and get involved Here.