Damage to Ukraine power infrastructure.
Picture courtesy Ukrenergo.
This is the final announcement for the Ukraine Write-a-thon on Sunday 25 June. It will be taking place on a Discord channel, and can be accessed after making a donation to one of the Ukraine appeals. Lena Worwood has set up a JustGiving Way Home link, and I tend to use DEC. Any route is fine, the point is to get money to assist in reconstruction of Ukraine.
As an example of the need, Ukraine Energy Minister German Galushchenko has said that Ukraine is carrying out its largest ever programme of repairs and rehabilitation to its power network to prepare for another winter of possible Russian air strikes. Missile and drone attacks on energy infrastructure following Russia’s full-scale invasion last year caused sweeping blackouts for millions of Ukrainians during the winter.
How big should the donation be?
We’re suggesting £5 for unwaged, £20 for waged. This is a guideline, not a rule. If you’re feeling flush, by all means contribute more. If money is really tight, well, every little helps, so give what you can.
The Write-a-thon will run for 24 hours, from 0900 Sunday 25th to 0900 Monday 26th (all UK times), with an extensive series of writing panels, exercise, and other delights.
The schedule (subject to last minute changes) is as follows. All times are UK time. Convert to wherever you happen to be.
0900-0930: Introductions and Admin (where the fire exits are, etc).
0930-1030: "What I am working on right now..." Run by Sideways.
1030-1200: Slot 1: Have a problem, solve a problem writing helpdesk. Run by David Flin.
1200-1245: Lunchtime break. General conversation.
1245-1430: Slot 2: Character Exercise. Run by monroe.
1430-1515: Afternoon Tea. General conversation.
1515-1700: Slot 3: 52 Years Since Spice World - Invent your own 2049 Run by Sideways.
1700-1800: Dinner break and general conversation.
1745-1845: Slot 4: Great Random POD Challenge. Run by Sideways.
1845-1915: After-dinner brandy and general conversation.
1915-2030: Slot 5. Elevator pitch for Sliders reboot. Come up with outlines for 22 episodes. Run by Charles EP M.
2030-2200: Down the Pub. Chat about events so far.
2200-2330: Slot 6. Minimal ACW. What if the Union wins at First Bull Run? Before the Emancipation proclamation, etc.
2330-2359: Supper and general conversation.
0000-0130: Slot 7: Cascadia: Alternate West Coasts of North America. Run by Andrew Harvey (War ot Worlds in Real Time).
0130-0200: Grazing in the kitchen to avoid hunger pangs and general conversation.
0200-0330: Slot 8: Pacific in Nature. The dominance of the Pacific Islands. Run by Andrew Harvey (War ot Worlds in Real Time).
0330-0400: First tea of the day and general conversation.
0400-0530: Slot 9: What if India was not partitioned.
0530-0600: First Breakfast and general conversation.
0600-0715: Slot 10: Sporting icons.
0715-0745: Proper Breakfast and general conversation.
0745-0900: Slot 11: Ukraine: The next Ten Years?
Each of the “slots” should be entertaining, educational, and informative. Hopefully, they will also provoke some future projects from people. I will be donating 10% of the proceeds of anything I publish (either as an author or as a publisher) as a result of the discussions here to DEC. But then, that’s just me.
If you have any questions on any of the slots or, indeed, anything about the event – just ask.

Your Editor expects...
I expect to see large numbers of you on Sunday. Don’t let Sergeant Frosty down, and don’t let the Ukrainian people down.

Don't let him down.
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